Paul Kern

Parables – The Two Sons, The Evil Farmers, and The Great Feast

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Parables – The Vineyard Workers

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Parables – The Ten Bridesmaids

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Honor’s Reward

The concept and practice of honor in our culture today is something that has been lost. In this podcast, Associate Pastor Paul Kern shares on the important concept of honor and how God rewards those who practice this important principle. Enjoy this podcast by CMC.

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Parables – The Pharisees and Tax Collector

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Parables – The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Mature Saints Series-Financial Wisdom

Expand is a gathering place connect group for young adults. It’s designed to equip, empower, and encourage through Christian Ministries Church. In this series “Mature Saints”, we will be discussing topics that are relevant to the phase of life that young adults are facing. In this session Associate Pastor Paul Kern will be sharing on…

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Heroes of Faith Series: Ezra & Nehemiah

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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Holy Attitude

We all need to be reminded from time to time of some important life lessons. In this message Associate Pastor Paul Kern reveals a trap that the children of Israel fell into in that prevented them from entering into the blessings of God’s promises and doomed them to a life on the wilderness. This same…

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Heroes of Faith Series: Moses

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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