Sermon Archives

Heroes of Faith Series: Esther

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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Is Holiness Attainable?

Many Christians believe holiness is illusive and unattainable. In this message Lead Pastor Tim Brooks reveals that not only is holiness attainable, but it is God’s will for every believer. You will be encouraged and motivated to pursue the Lord in a deeper way as a result of this message.

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Mature Saints Series-Financial Wisdom

Expand is a gathering place connect group for young adults. It’s designed to equip, empower, and encourage through Christian Ministries Church. In this series “Mature Saints”, we will be discussing topics that are relevant to the phase of life that young adults are facing. In this session Associate Pastor Paul Kern will be sharing on…

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Heroes of Faith Series: Ruth

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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Relationship or Legalism

Youth Pastor Josh Barnett delivers a compelling message on the deceptive trap of religious legalism as opposed to a vibrant, healthy relationship with Father God. Josh challenges believers on the difference between a relationship motivated out of love for God and people, versus a life held captive by religion and legalism. Join Josh Barnett for…

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Heroes of Faith Series: Ezra & Nehemiah

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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Join Lead Pastor Tim Brooks as he shares on the importance and benefits of living an obedient life unto God. Tim explains how a life of obedience was God’s design in the Garden of Eden and an act of disobedience caused Adam and Eve to lose this place of blessing and special relationship with God….

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Heroes of Faith Series: Joshua

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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Holy Attitude

We all need to be reminded from time to time of some important life lessons. In this message Associate Pastor Paul Kern reveals a trap that the children of Israel fell into in that prevented them from entering into the blessings of God’s promises and doomed them to a life on the wilderness. This same…

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Heroes of Faith Series: Moses

In every generation God has raised up a remnant of people to accomplish His purposes on the earth. However, often times the people portrayed in the Bible are seen as being super human instead of normal, everyday people with flaws and weaknesses just like everyone else. In this exciting new series, CMC’s pastors will share…

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