Sermon Archives

Panel Sunday

Enjoy this special podcast as we have a panel of speakers that include CMC Pastors and high school graduates from Christian Ministries Academy.

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Within Us

Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within us, yet so many believers are looking to external things to bring them fulfillment, happiness and peace. In this podcast, Lead Pastor Tim Brooks reveals that God wants to do a deep work within us and He uses external circumstances to bring us to a place…

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Parables – The Ten Bridesmaids

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Honor’s Reward

The concept and practice of honor in our culture today is something that has been lost. In this podcast, Associate Pastor Paul Kern shares on the important concept of honor and how God rewards those who practice this important principle. Enjoy this podcast by CMC.

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Parables – The Pharisees and Tax Collector

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Building Holiness

In this podcast Lead Pastor Tim Brooks shares on the importance of having a firm footing in our walk with Christ. Difficulties and storms come to everyone, but our lives can stand the test of these storms if we have built our life on a firm foundation. Enjoy this podcast by Tim Brooks.

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Parables – The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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1-2-3’s of Holiness

In the is podcast Lead Pastor Tim Brooks shares some practical truth on how believers can live a holy life before God. Enjoy this podcast by Tim Brooks.

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Parables – The Good Samaritan

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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God’s Love | God’s Law

In our modern culture today many believers feel that the law of God is no longer needed and even say it is obsolete. The focus of their belief has shifted to love. But what does the Bible really say about the role of God’s law and His love? In this compelling podcast Lead Pastor Tim…

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