Sermon Archives

The Problem of Evil and Suffering

For many people it is hard to understand how God can be good and all powerful because of the evil and suffering that are in our world. In this session, Associate Pastor Paul Kern will tackle this tough question and provide believers with answers to this emotional and difficult dilemma.

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The Fruit of The Spirit

In this message Lead Pastor Tim Brooks shares about the Fruit of the Spirit. As believers we are to bear fruit that identify us as God’s beloved children. Because we are made in the image of God and we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, the fruit of the Spirit should flow out of…

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What’s Tempting You?

In this message Lead Pastor Tim Brooks shares how our enemy uses our God-given desires as a temptation to trap us and lead us into destruction. Everyone has natural desires and they are not necessarily sinful until they are presented to us in the wrong context. Enjoy this insightful message by Tim Brooks.

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Parables – The Lamp and The Growing Seed

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Wrong Direction, Wrong Destination

Everyone wants to experience a good life filled with God’s goodness. But for this to happen we must follow God’s lead and direction for our lives. In this message Lead Pastor Tim Brooks shares that to arrive and the right destination, we can’t head in the wrong direction with our attitudes and responses. Enjoy this…

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Parables – The Two Sons, The Evil Farmers, and The Great Feast

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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When The Bible Is Not Specific

What do you do when the Bible isn’t specific about life’s questions. Join Lead Pastor Tim Brooks as he shares Seven Biblical Principles for Life. In this podcast Lead Pastor Tim Brooks will discuss the principles of Edification, Enslavement, Exposure, Others, Evangelism, Conscience, and Exaltation.

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Parables – The Vineyard Workers

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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Faith, Hope, and Love

All of face adversity and difficult circumstances in our lives. Sometimes these moments can seem almost unbearable and we feel like we are being overwhelmed. What we do in these moments is critical to our success. In this podcast, Lead Pastor Tim Brooks shares an encouraging message about how to respond in these moments and…

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Parables – The Wheat & Weeds, Mustard Seeds & Yeast, Hidden Treasure and Pearl, and The Fishing Net

During Jesus’ ministry, one of the primary ways He would instruct His disciples was through parables. People would gather from far and wide in order to listen to what Jesus said about the kingdom of God, and the most common way He would explain the kingdom was in parables. In this series, CMC Campus Pastors examine…

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